Vegan Breakfast Cookies: A Recipe

I found this recipe on Pinterest for these no sugar oat drops, and had to try them. They seemed like the perfect breakfast cookie, and I loooove cookies for breakfast….but healthy cookies for breakfast?! Even better.

Breakfast Cookies (Recipe adapted from Blueberry Girl)

  • 1 1/4 cups regular rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup coconut flakes (I used the bigger flakes for this post, but I’ve used the small since, and it’s fine)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup of almond meal (I use Trader Joe’s)
  • 2 tablespoons ground flax
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup raisins (I used chocolate chips….don’t judge me lol)
  • 3Β  bananas, mashed
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350F. Line your pan with some foil, or parchment paper.

Get the wet ingredients together, and then dry. Mix together until it comes together. It’s more of a wet dough, than the normal cookie dough.

Using a 1/4 cup scoop, I dropped the dough onto my pan, and flattened them out with my fingers. If you get stuck to the dough, just dip your fingers in some water before flattening them.

Bake them for 20-25 minutes, or once they’ve browned. Let them cool on the pan for 10 minutes or so, and then move them to a cooling rack. And for the most important part…..EAT ‘EM!

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Until tomorrow!!

27 responses to “Vegan Breakfast Cookies: A Recipe

  1. I’m curious why you used the coconut oil vs. the canola oil? I’m new to cooking with things like almond meal and coconut oil so I was just wondering! Thanks!

    • I used the coconut oil because it’s got more benefits than the canola. I feel like I don’t know what to believe anymore because there’s soooo much information out there. One person says one thing, another says the opposite, I just try and do what I feel is right. There is no doubting that oconut oil is really good for you, so I figured since there was coconut flakes in the cookie that I’d add some more coconut πŸ™‚ hope that helped!

  2. I’m putting the ingredients on my grocery list as I write this. I’m going to add nuts. Mmmmmm…. walnuts! This looks so delish! I can’t wait for a morning I’m running late and “have to” take this with me!

      • I am freezing them now. I only had a half banana, so I mashed it and used a couple eggs. I didn’t get 20, more like 16, which might be due to the lack of banana. Also, I didn’t bake them 20 minutes, as they were browned at about 14. Do you suppose it is because of the eggs?

    • That could definitely be it! But also, and it sounds crazy, but it could also have something to do with the weather. If its more humid, or dry where you are, it can affect it, or even different ovens! I’m going on a trip tomorrow, so I’m going to make them tonight for easy breakfasts! I totally forgot about them too, so thanks for reminding me! And let me know how they hold up in the freezer! πŸ™‚

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  6. oh yum… something to do with my bananas… i gotta make it nut free due to allergies but otherwise plan to follow it exactly. (yes, especially the choc chips part) … thinking of trying flax meal in place of the almond meal, or just adding extra wheat flour.

  7. These sound great! Defiantly going to give these a try. Do you think I could replace the wheat flour with almond flour or any other type of flour?

    • The wheat flour gives the cookies a more “cookie texture” but I’ve made them without it before, give it a try!

  8. These are incredible. I have made more and recommended to people I know. I eat very healthily and these are perfect for a snack too. Thank you for this discovery.

  9. Pingback: Vegan Breakfast Cookies: A Recipe | ilykepapayas's Blog·

  10. What do you recommend instead of bananas? We have some digestion issues with bananas. Applesauce? Flax eggs?

  11. So, I’ve made these twice, and I absolutely love them! I use the almond meal left over from making almond milk, add cranberries and cinnamon chips. They are the most delicious breakfast cookie that I don’t feel bad about eating. I get around 17 cookies when I make them. Love these!

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