Awards all over the place!

So, I’ve been a very bad girl. I’ve been nominated for 4 awards (YAYYYY! 🙂 ) but I’ve been slacking in putting up a post thanking all the wonderful people who have nominated me! 3 of the four awards require you to nominate 7 other blogs for the awards, while the other blog requires you to choose 15. So what I’m going to do, is choose 15 all together for the 4 blogs, because I don’t know 36 blogs to nominate! I’m still a blog baby 🙂

The first award is the Beautiful Blogger Award. Home and the Range nominated me for this award, and you should definitely go check out her site because her desserts make my mouth water!!!

If you choose to participate, you must:

  1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
  2. List 7 things about yourself
  3. Nominate 7 Beautiful blogs that you think people should check out.

The second award is the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Even a Girl Like Me nominated me for this award, you should check out her blog because she has AMAZING and beautiful pictures!

Here are the requirements for this award, if you choose to participate:

1. Display the award logo somewhere on the blog.

2. Link back to the blog of the person who nominated you.

3. State seven things about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs.

5. Notify those bloggers that they have been nominated and of the award’s requirements.

The third award is The Kreativ Award. Cultural Quirks nominated me for this award.You should check out her blog because she’s quite funny, and well…quirky!

The Kreativ Blogger Award requires you to:

1. Thank the person that nominated you, and provide a link to their blog

2. List 7 things about yourself that readers might find interesting

3. Nominate 7 bloggers for the award, provide links, and let them know!

And last but not least, The Sunshine Blogger Award. Mom of Twosalums nominated me, and you should check out her blog because well, she’s my BFF, and like me, she’s got a lil’ bit of everything on there!

The few rules associated with “The Sunshine Award”:

Display the logo in a post or somewhere on your blog

Answer 10 questions about yourself

Nominate 10 -12 other amazing bloggers

Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, to let them know you nominated them for the award.

Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

I got these questions from googling “questions to get to know someone” and found this site, but you’re welcome to steal my questions! 😉

1.What was your favorite food when you were a child?

Pizza, still is!

2.What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?

No iPod, Jack Johnson station all the time on Pandora, however!

3.What is one of your favorite quotes?

Everything happens for a reason…I live by it.

4.What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

Crafting, obviously, but I do also go outside! I love going on picnics, bike riding, going to the beach, even to just lay on the sand and watch the water and look for sharks relax.

5.What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

Cleaning the bathroom….ugh

6.What is your favorite form of exercise?

Bike riding…when the weather is ACTUALLY nice….when’s that gonna happen?!

7.What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?

Early in the morning (never thought I’d say that!)/Thursday afternoon, because I’m all done with work for the week/ July, because summer weather is usually here by then!

8.What sound do you love?

The sound of me saying “my husband” (still getting used to that 🙂 ), peeling and chopping of onions and garlic on the food network (specifically Giada’s show), the vacuum picking up dirt, my nieces and nephews giggling, REAL laughs, not the fake stuff! 🙂

9. Who is your celebrity crush

Jack Johnson all the way!!

10.If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

23, It’s the perfect age!

Now, for 7 things about me… I’m just going to answer 7 more questions….because I’m bad at this lol

1.What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up.

Oh boy…if you know me at all, you know I cry at everything. I teared up last night when my sister was TELLING me about some commercial for the Olympics where the daughter wins and goes through the audience to hug her mom….I also cry at ALL the Suburu commercials. I don’t know when I became such a little sissy…I was never like this growing up! haha

2.What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

Break someone’s heart, so I wasn’t miserable in a relationship that wasn’t for me.

3.What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?

WordPress erasing this post! lol

4.When was the last time you had an amazing meal?

My gramma’s birthday a few months ago. We got the most AMAZING coconut sorbet. To the point that I was licking my bowl-or really coconut shell, lol. I took the coconut shell home as a memory! haha

5.What do you miss most about being a kid?

Not having to care about much. I mean, how often were you stressed as a kid? How often are you stressed as an adult?

6.What is your first memory of being really excited?

When I was younger, I had one of those water baby dolls. On Christmas Eve, my family took me to FAO Shwarz, and I left my doll there! Obviously, I was really upset….well, flashback a few days earlier, my dad dressed up like my favorite ninja turtle, Raphael, and just happened to still have the costume. My parents went out and bought a new water baby, and set up the camera in the living room, and had Raphael bring my doll back (and left me his hat!)!! Needless to say, watching that video made me a VERY excited child! 🙂 My goodness, if I’m half as amazing as my parents are, I’ll be happy! But what’s really weird, is last year at my job, a little girl left her water baby doll, and can you guess what day it was? Christmas freakin EVE! How weird is that?! I said to myself, I hope her parents are as creative as mine….although doubtful! 😉

7.At what age did you become an adult?

I’m still not an adult!! And judging by my mom, I don’t know if that transition will ever happen for me! hahah xoxo

Now onto 15 beautiful, inspiring, creative, and sunshiny blogs that you I have nominated for these awards and you MUST check out! IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER (I actually meant to put them in alphabetically, but after the DOTP (deleting of the post lol) I said frick it.

1.Momoftwosalums (BFF!)

2.Edge of Seventeen (My momma’s new blog! If you live in my area, check it out!)

3.Clouds of Colour (BEAUTIFUL art work!)

4.Chic Envelopements (Great tutorials!)

5.Sadie and Dasie (She’s got amazing taste, and beautiful pictures!)

6.A Big Taboo Over Glue (Love her style, and love that she turns ugly things beautiful)

7.Cherry Avenue (First off, her boys are ADORABLE, but she’s also got great crafts on her blog!)

8.The Usual Bliss (She’s got lots of great pics, and she’s obsessed with her pup as much as I am heheh 🙂 )

9.My Year in Pins (Gotta love someone who’s obsessed with pinterest as much as me! And I can’t wait to see them all!!)

10.From Scratch Club (This blog makes me hungry!! And I’m ALLL about from scratch!)

11.The Life of Mellie (I love all the quotes she posts)

12.Chocolate Covered Katie (You might recognize some of her stuff from pinterest! Everything looks so darn good!)

13.Pillows A-La-Mode (She’s got GREAT crafts on her blog!)

14.So Very Blessed (For the quinoa bites alone, visit her site. All her food makes my mouth water!)

15.Attempting Aloha (Well, first off, so jealous she lives in HAWAII!!! But you should check out her site because she’s got amazing DIY tutorials…you may actually recognize her from pinterest as well!)

16. (Yeah-I’m adding another because I can!! 😉 ) Craves Adventure (GREAT pictures, and it’s all out west, and I loveeee the west!)

Well there you have it!! And if I’ve left anyone out, I apologize immensely!! For everyone who I HAVE nominated, if you choose to participate (which of course, you don’t) just follow the guidelines of each award, or you can do what I did 🙂 If you’ve already been nominated for the awards, which I know some of you are, then just skip those ones 🙂

Thank you SO MUCH again to the blogs who have nominated me for these awards…You have NO IDEA how honored I am to have received them, and how SORRY I am, that it took so long to get this post up!

Home And The Range

Even a Girl Like Me

Cultural Quirks

Mom of Twosalums

Until tomorrow!!

20 responses to “Awards all over the place!

    • You’re so welcome! You deserve it! And btw I just saw your post on the buffalo chicken quinoa bites….my husband is going to FLIP when I make these for him!! Thank you for your great posts!!

  1. Pingback: Triple crown. « the usual bliss·

  2. Pingback: Award! Award! Award! | Diary of a Mad Crafter·

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