DIY Gift Box: A Tutorial

Remember my baby flower headband post? And how I wrapped it all up in that cute gift box? And how I said that I’d have a tutorial for it soon? Well here it is! šŸ™‚ I found the idea from this pin, and I figured the measurements out on my own. I tried to get the best picture tutorial I could (although the pictures are kind of dark, sorry about that!), and it will seem like a lot of work, but it’s sooo simple. The only annoying part is to get the template cut out, and then once you have that all you have to do is trace it onto the paper you want. I’d suggest using a thick paper such as cardstock or even a thin cardboard. *This would be a GREAT way to reuse cereal boxes!*

So for this template, I made a large sized box using a 12×12 scrapbook paper. It doesn’t matter what the paper looks like as it will be written on, folded up, and not even seen. You want to fold your paper in half, then open it back up and fold it going the other way. This is to find the center of your paper. Next, measure 3 inches up from the center on each side. Finally, fold (or draw) down each of the marks. That square in the center is how big your box will be.


The next step is to get the rounded edges. I make a little separate template, cutting a small piece of scrap paper the same size as one of the edges. In this case, it was 6in x 3in. I fold that piece of paper in half and draw a curve. Then, I cut along the line, and when I open it up, it’s the perfect shape. I line it up, use it to trace along all the sides, and cut.

You still with me?

Ok, good.

Because now you have your template! (woohoo!). Get the paper you’ll be using for your box, and using your template, trace it on the paper, and cut it out. Fold all the flaps down to crease, and then here’s how to close it up! For step 5, just tuck that last flap into your first one.


Now wrap it up! I LOVEEE bakers twine, but you can use ribbon, among lots of other things. This box would be great to wrap up jewelry, or cookies, or whatever your little heart desires! I’ll be making a bunch of them for Christmas!


Here’s a better picture, and you may recognize it from the headband post!


Basically, if you want to make it smaller or larger, this is how you figure it out. Whatever the size of your square is, the flap should be half that. So, for instance, if you want to make a smaller one, your square could be, say, 3 inches, so the flap would be 1 1/2in.


**Have a project you made using one of my tutorials? Show it off! I, along with all my followers, would love to see it! šŸ™‚ I’ve started a new page on my blog called “Your Pictures!”, located right next to the “About This Blog!” link at the top of my blog. Check it out for more information, and to see other fan pics!**

Until tomorrow!

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