Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter

When my husband and I first started dating, this is pretty much all I would eat. Rice cakes and cinnamon raisin peanut butter. I was obsessed. I got him obsessed. This is all we would eat!! I would spend so much money on these jars of cinnamon raisin peanut butter when one day I realized I can just make my own. So I did! I don’t know what happened, but I totally forgot about this delicious snack until the other day. It’s pretty much like clockwork, but every time spring starts to creep near, all I want to do is eat healthy. Drink green smoothies (like my favorite one), snack on fruits rather than junk, and eat more salads. Well, being that spring is almost here (yay!!), I’ve gotten back into that mind set, and this snack came back!


Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter: (I don’t usually measure the ingredients, but I’ll give you approx. measurements of what I did this time.)

1/2 cup smooth peanut butter (I used unsalted)

1-2 tablespoons agave

1/4 teaspoon salt (if you’re using unsalted)

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

handful of raisins

Mix everything together in a bowl, adjust seasonings to what you like, and DIG IN! cinnrasinpb2

You can eat this with whatever you’d like! Celery, apples, pretzels etc. But my ABSOLUTE favorite way is on plain, unsalted rice cakes. YUM! And it’s surprisingly really filling! Usually just one of these will fill me right up 🙂cinnraisinpb3

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Until tomorrow!!

9 responses to “Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter

  1. I totally had this for lunch today after I saw your post! It was really good!! I got my sister obsessed with my tuna sandwich, then she got her boyfriend hooked. Toast, tuna with mayo, sweet chili sauce, sliced cucumbers and cheese. Really, its very good!

    • Awesome!! Glad I could inspire you 😉 Your sandwich sounds delicious…minus the tuna as I don’t eat it lol. But there are a lot of vegetarian tunaish recipes (sounds gross, I know..but theyre actually really good) so I’m totally going to try it! Do you make the sweet chili sauce or buy it?

      • I always get the more expensive brand of sweet chilli sauce for taste sake. Falafel, jarred red beets, thousand island dressing n cheese on toast is good too!

    • You could use honey, maple syrup, stevia, or sugar (though the granules might make it a bit crunchy)

  2. update: peanut butter and cinnamon is now the ONLY sandwich my 4 year old will eat! all thanks to you!

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