T-shirt Remodel III

I did another t-shirt remodel guys! (These can be addicting!) This one is actually with a small t-shirt, rather than X-large, like I’ve made the others with. Hope you like!shirt31

I started by cutting down the center of the shirt, and tucking/pinning the edges in. I started at the sides of the collar, so the opening would swoop down to make a V. I also tucked in the bottom edges to be more rounded. (Check out the after picture if you don’t know what I mean).shirt35

Then, like my first shirt remodel, I used elastic for the sleeves to scrunch them up a bit and add a little feminine touch. I also folded the edge in about an inch to make the sleeves a little shorter.shirt36

I added elastic to the back as well to scrunch it up a bit, that way it draped better. I did this by marking the center with some chalk, then cutting a smaller piece of elastic, and when sewing, I sewed the elastic so it was as long as the chalk mark. When the elastic is back to it’s normal length, it brings the fabric with it, gathering it.shirt32

This is optional, but I thought it added a cute little touch, I added a jute string loop to the front center of the shirt and a button to close it up.shirt33

And there you have it! Another easy t-shirt remodel! 🙂shirt34

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**Have a project you made using one of my tutorials? Show it off! I, along with all my followers, would love to see it! I have a page on my blog called “Your Pictures!”, located right next to the “About This Blog!” link at the top of my blog. Check it out for more information, and to see other fan pics!**

Until Tomorrow!!

15 responses to “T-shirt Remodel III

  1. Pingback: T-Shirt Remodel: A Tutorial | Diary of a Mad Crafter·

  2. Ohmigosh, thank you so much for all your tutorials! We don’t have a flexible budget, but thanks to you I’ve been able to re -make my wardrobe (and swipe some of my hubby’s old shirts) for almost no money! Thanks!!

    • Ooooh thank you for commenting! I’m so glad I could help! We too don’t have a flexible budget, so I SO know where you’re coming from! It’s amazing what you can do with things that are just laying around your house!

  3. Reblogged this on Serenity's Musings and commented:
    Upcycling clothes is sooo addicting and sooo uber kool. This is a brill tutorial of a fellow blogger, Diary of A Mad Crafter, that I just had to reblog, so you guys could see. You guys must hop on over to her blog and checkout this tutorial and make one. I know I am because it is soooo flippin’ cute AND easy too(which is the best part)! Also check on what else is going down over at Diary of A Mad Crafter…

  4. Just loved this one! It is sooo flipping cute and trendy! And it is sooo easy with the tutorial you provided. I just had to reblog it for my readers and post it over on my Tumblr and over on my Pinterest. Some questions…how to do you put on the elastic to make it scrunch on the back? I cannot figure it out in my head how to do so? It is probably just the fibro/painkiller fog I am in right now…I am so sorry if it is a stupid question, plz forgive me. And how do you get the pinit button for your blog? I have been trying to figure that out for months now with no avail? Thanks so much. Plz keep up the blogging and upcycling/DIY! I just love it all, dear! Use your talent until you no longer can(like myself) 🙂

    • Thank you for reblogging! 🙂 and your question isn’t stupid at all!! Ok, so what I do is sew one side of the elastic down at the end of the chalk line until its secured, and then stretch it out to the other side of the chalk line and hold it down with my finger, while stretching the other side of the shirt (the part that’s on the other side of the sewing machine behind the needle). You need both hands for this, thats why I couldn’t get a picture…it sounds a lot more complicated then it actually is though, I promise! (Heres a video i found on youtube …I dont use the zig zag stich like she does, but just so you can get an idea of what i mean… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN-KFv7H6ls&sns=em) as for the pin it button….I found that by accident awhile ago! Last month, I was looking for the buttons to see if there were any other ones, and couldn’t find them at allllll! I gave up! It’s not a widget, like you’d think, is not a tool…not in the customize page, I have no idea where it is! I even just looked now….no clue, sorry! Maybe in the help section?

      • I think I understand, dear. But I am going to check out the video just in case. Thanks for the video. That will definitely come in handy! My back is well today, well, not hurting as much, so I think I may be able to tolerate to sit at my sewing machine today so I think I can get some sewing done. Yay! But, I can see how this may come in handy with other projects too. I have a shirt in mind to do this with. I have a patch on the front of it. A horse one. I ❤ horses but it just, idk, dosen't suit my taste as much as I hoped it would when I made it. It is one of the those iron-on patches, so idk how I will be able to get it off. I am hoping it comes off with ease. How do you think I might be able to get it off? It is a beautiful shirt. I believe it is made of bamboo cotton? Or 100% organic cotton? Sorry, cannot recall rightly offhand because of that stupid memory loss thing…sorry. I have a great button on hand to use and I have some hemp cord I think I will use instead that I think will be kool. Sorry for the novel-length response…if you ever look at my blog, you would see it is not focused on one thing and I tend to ramble on whatever topic I am writing about but I always come back to the point of the post…thanks again, dear, for your help and your patience. xo

    • I’ve never tried getting patches off, but if its a small one and you peel it very slowly, I’m sure it’ll work! I love the hemp idea, that will look great!

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