Love Quote Wall Art

Remember THIS post awhile ago? Well, finallyyy, I painted it onto the piece of wood and put it up on my wall! πŸ™‚ I love it! And although it was time consuming, it was also very therapeutic, and the results came out perfect. I found an AWESOME way of painting letters (or shapes) onto wood, that I just thought to myself, well DUH! How have I never thought of that?! Much like everything else on Pinterest! haha.

I started by covering the piece of wood with paper, and then taping it together. Obviously, if you have a larger roll of paper, you could just cut it out to the shape and size of your piece of wood. Then, I marked the layout of the quote, and wrote it out, tracing it from my computer, like I’ve done so many times before. You could of course get this printed at a photo copy store, I just did it this way to save some money, and because I’m impatient and didn’t feel like waiting….mostly because of the impatient thing lol.


Now, here comes the transferring part. I found it from this blogger on pinterest (thank you, you smart person, you!!) You basically just trace over the letters with a ball point pent, using a good amount of pressure, so the pen leaves an indent in the wood. Then, using the indentations as your guidelines, you paint the letters in. Smart, huh?!


I painted all the letters and it was done! I hung it up over my favorite wedding photo in my living room.

**Have a project you made using one of my tutorials? Show it off! I, along with all my followers, would love to see it! πŸ™‚ I have a page on my blog called “Your Pictures!”, located right next to the “About This Blog!” link at the top of my blog. Check it out for more information, and to see other fan pics!**

Until tomorrow!!

12 responses to “Love Quote Wall Art

  1. Absolutely love this! Can’t wait to try something similar. Thanks for the inspiration! You did a fantastic job painting in those letters – Hopefully I can keep mine as neat πŸ™‚

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