Handmade deodorant!

I’m so excited about this post, because I’ve been meaning to make my own deodorant for so longgg. Well, I finally did it the other day, and it came out GREAT! And what’s even better, is it couldn’t be easier 🙂  I made a coconut lemongrass scented one, but you can use whatever scented oils you want.

Here’s everything that you need (I also added some witch hazel to the excess I had to see if it would set, and it did. Witch hazel is great for soothing the skin and it’s won’t dry your skin out. I would recommend added it if you have any!

Handmade deodorant:

3 tablespoons baking soda

3 tablespoons arrowroot powder

3 tablespoons melted coconut oil (I used virgin, because it smells nice with lemongrass)

1 tablespoon witch hazel

10 (give or take) drops lemongrass oil

Mix everything together. I used a fork to make sure everything got incorporated.

It should look nice and smooth like this…

I used to get this (amazing) deodorant from this woman on Etsy, and she had a special where if you saved 5 deodorant tubes, you’d get a deodorant free. Well, I never got around to mailing them out, but I’m glad I saved them, because I was able to use one for my own deodorant :). If you don’t have a tube, you can just leave it right in the bowl.

You do need to keep it in the fridge so it stays hard (the coconut oil is what makes it solid), but imagine how nice it will feel in the hot hot summer! **Update** I haven’t kept in the fridge and it’s been fine. If it gets super hot in the area it’s in, that’s not a good idea, but I’ve kept it in the bathroom closet and no problems with it melting at all!) If you have yours in a bowl, you’d simply dab it on your fingertips and rub your underarms. **Update** I’ve noticed that on days that I sweat profusely, which this will not help with, as it’s a deodorant and not an antiperspirant (which aren’t good for you!), the baking powder will sometimes leave marks on my clothes. They wash off, but just be wary on a really hot day if you’re wearing something that can easily get marked, you may not want to wear this deodorant! It’s really only happened twice for me though, and I can realllly sweat like a man sometimes! lol. Look at how cute it looks in my tube all dolled up 🙂

Until tomorrow!!

28 responses to “Handmade deodorant!

    • Thank you! I saw it all over pinterest, and thought to myself how awesome is that?! So I’m glad I finally did it! I won’t be buying again! Well, excpet maybe for traveling…that’s the only thing about this deodorant, it HAS to be in the fridge or it melts…I gotta figure that out next! 🙂

      • You could always add Shea butter or mango butter to harden it up. Mango butter is harder than Shea and it should Keep it solid even in the hot heat. I have a tub of it and it’s keep solid (although a little soft) in my condo when it got to 35 degrees in here! No

  1. Can we please be crafty when i come to visit( which is in like a week by the wayyyy)??

  2. One reason why one would make their own deodorant is because you don’t want the aluminum, correct? Doesn’t baking powder have aluminum in it? Curious…I would love to make my own deodorant.

    • One reason why one would make their own deodorant is because you don’t want the aluminum, correct? Doesn’t baking soda have aluminum in it? I see is from Trader Joes so maybe it doesn’t. I’m Just curious…I would love to make my own deodorant.

      • I personally make it just because I like the idea of pure and natural…..and there are plenty of baking sodas that do NOT contain aluminum, just make sure it says it on there!

  3. We are moving towards a chemical free household…thanks for sharing!

    • A follower had told me it would but I haven’t tried it yet so I don’t know what proportions.

    • Yes, adding beeswax will make it solid. Just add a little though…or it will be too hard to glide onto your under arms.

  4. I always have trouble after I first pour into the deodorant container as it will leak out the bottom before it solidifies and then it hardens and I can’t turn the dial to get the deodorant out. Wonder if it’s the containers I have. Where did you all get yours?

    • Hmm I don’t feel like I had that problem. I reused mine from a deodorant I bought. Maybe solidify it until it’s scoopable and then quickly add it to the container before it has a chance to melt again?

  5. Hi,
    was wondering that you add witch hazel water into your deodorant cream, don’t you need a preservative? I think water would invite germs and bacteria?

    • Coconut oil is actually microbial and prevents germs and bacteria from growing. If you add some tea tree oil that would help even more so!

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