DIY Doggie Doll


I have wanted to make this fun craft for a while now (actually before my almost 3 year old was born 😳) So I’m glad I finally did! It couldn’t have been easier.

I first soaked my fabric in a printer ink set solution called Bubble Jet Set (get it here) and then let it dry (or rather blow dried it because I was too impatient!). Before I go on, I have to say I LOVEEEE this stuff. You don’t have to dilute it so after soaking my fabric I’ll just pour the solution back into the bottle so the $15 goes a looong way (also think of the possibilities 😍). If you don’t have access to the Bubble Jet Set, I have tried soaking the fabric in vinegar after printing on it and while it works for the most part, if there’s any color it fades A LOT.

After the fabric was completely dry, I ironed it onto the shiny side of a piece of freezer paper the size of printed paper (what is that 8×11?) and printed a picture of my dog that I erased the background on (using Both the freezer paper printing process and background erasing tutorial you can find through a quick Google search if you’re unsure how to do them. Once I printed the picture, I placed it down on a plain piece of fabric (could print the picture mirror image to have on the back as well but I chose to have it one sided), pinned them together, and cut close to the image but with enough room to sew.

imageMake sure to leave a little opening to be able to flip it right side out and to stuff it. I left the hole in an area that was more straight so the seam could be easily hidden when I closed it up.

imageI also went around the entire piece and make tiny slits so that there would be no puckering once stuffed.

All that’s left is to stuff it and close up the seam!

Landon went crazy for his Roscoe doll and loves to cuddle it 🙂



2 responses to “DIY Doggie Doll

  1. So happy to see you blogging again! And your son has gotten so big! I remember when I first followed your blog you were still pregnant. I had an email alert to a comment on the T-shirt tutorial, so I clicked on it and saw your blogging! Love your tutorials! 🙂

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