DIY Pearl in Shell Necklace

A few days ago, I came back from beautiful Florida where I was celebrating my beautiful cousin’s wedding. My family decided to stay for a few days and make a little vacation out of it, and the hotel we stayed at was right across the street from the beach (oh, how I wish I was still there!!). My sister and I are always walking along the water looking for shells to make stuff with, and this time, we came home with a few really nice ones. I’ve made this necklace before, but realized I never put it up on the blog so I decided to make another one with one of the shells we found on the beach! The necklace is super easy and really pretty. Depending on the cord you use, it could be beach bum wear or fancy beach wear! I wore this necklace all last summer, I just love it!

I seem to find a lottt of the these types of shells with the hole carved perfectly at the top. However, if you can’t find one with a hole, you can certainly drill one yourself. I just don’t have the write tools for that! You have to be super careful you don’t break the shell as you drill through. I start with a long head pin (Sterling Silver from Michaels) and cut it with enough room at the top to form a loop. Then, with the extra wire I cut off, I wrap it around the wire. I call this wire wrapping cheating. Usually you use a continuously long piece of wire where you make the loop and finish by wrapping over the wire, but if you do it that way, you can’t open and close the loop. That way works if your attaching the wire wrapped item to a separate fixing that has a loop that can open and close.shellnecklace1

Now open up your loop and thread it through the hole, close it back up and put the cord through!shellnecklace2

And you’re all done! I love this necklace! 🙂shellnecklace3

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5 responses to “DIY Pearl in Shell Necklace

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