2 Year Anniversary

2 years ago, I married my handsome hubby! We’ve had some bumpy roads, but we’re so excited to start this amazing chapter of our lives! 🙂 To keep our anniversary picture tradition going, here are this year’s! *Thanks to my sister for snapping the shots!* 🙂



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18 responses to “2 Year Anniversary

  1. Glorious!!! Love!!!! Happy Anniversary (again)
    Love Love Love the photos. Keith looks so cute…like the hair falling slightly over his eye. ~~ Did he use *product* to achieve that. 😉
    Love you and the boy!!! BOTH BOYS!! LOL

    • Thanks momma! Of course Keith used *product* in his hair, though he’s got a gorgeous set of hair to work with as it is! Lol

    • Thanks! Well, last year, we just held up the picture from our wedding, this year, we did the same, but I just copy and pasted last years pic into the frame 😉

    • Hey, if it weren’t for Pinterest I wouldn’t have thought of it! Among a lot of other stuff! Lol

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